Truth is an illusion. There is no right and wrong. There is no objective reality – just perception. The only reality is the one you – and only you – believe.
Having a strong belief in something which can bring greater purpose and ultimately happiness into our lives, is where our energy should be focused. It doesn't matter what anyone else believes in, as it's only your perception that truly matters. If you believe it, then it becomes real.
The cycle of belief, purpose and happiness, all exist and continue to drive us forward. Believe in achieving a goal, take action with determination and a reward will materialise at the end of the work. But ultimately, there is no end, just another cycle of belief until we run out of what we believe in.
The cycle of belief, purpose and happiness, all exist and continue to drive us forward. Believe in achieving a goal, take action with determination and a reward will materialise at the end of the work. But ultimately, there is no end, just another cycle of belief until we run out of what we believe in.
In a driven person, the Belief Cycle is a feedback loop between the person's conceptual ideas, the belief in the concepts, potential energy for success attainment, action for achieving and the results manifested. In this model, a cycle dictates that the results one achieves are in direct proportion to the actions one takes. The actions that one takes is determined by the belief one has in their own potential.